Subject: Don’t Read This if You Wouldn’t Like Your own successful business? (in 48 hours or less!)

Don’t Read This if You Wouldn’t Like Your own successful business? (in 48 hours or less!)

March 5th, 2021 at 9:44 pm EDT

A Business Can and Might Very Well Change Your Life For Ever! Your own business? Wouldn't that make a huge difference in your life? Who Wouldn’t Like Their own successful business?  (in 48 hours or less!) When I saw this the first time I had to ...

Launch Your Own Business In Just 48 Hours! (Really! At No Cost!!)

March 4th, 2021 at 1:12 pm EDT

How would you like to be in business on line in just a weekend? To have the step by step method to get started right away? What if you could launch your own online business in less than 48 hours?! In 48 hours? Yes!! In fact, what if you got your f ...

The Question is…Did You…?

March 3rd, 2021 at 8:14 pm EDT

Did you Think about the question? What do you really want or desire in you life? Do you know where you want to go? The Question is…Did You…? Did you think about the question, “What would you love in your life?” Did you give it serious thou ...

Suck-cess? Sick-cess?

March 2nd, 2021 at 9:42 pm EDT

Is it Suck-cess? or Sick-cess? Where are you in your life? Your business? Your personal or family and relationships? Suck-cess? Sick-cess? Do you feel like your life is sucking? It’s Sick and you don’t know why?  “Do what you can with what ...

What is The Great Destroyer? (Open to find out)

March 1st, 2021 at 6:59 pm EDT

What is holding you back from your future? What is a huge factor in your life? What is a major problem interfering with your achievements? Are You Sabotaging Your Future? Is your past holding you back from your future? Are you ready to throw out t ...

Sat and Sun... (Are They Weak Ends?)

February 28th, 2021 at 8:44 pm EDT

Monday work, Tuesday work, Wednesday work, Thursday work, Friday work then Tequila! Scotch! Beer! Wine!! Sat and Sun… (Are They the Weak Ends?) How do your weeks go? Do you have productive (or non-productive) work weeks, But your week end is re ...

If the Fhoe Slits…Huh?

February 27th, 2021 at 7:01 pm EDT

What is this? Fhoe Slits? Open to find out! Imagine you are fishing, playing golf, spending the day at the spa, Taking a hike in your favorite park. If the Fhoe Slits…Huh? I mean, “if the shoe fits…” Funny how we can turn things (like word ...

The Mountains, The Valleys, and the Lakes...of Life!

February 26th, 2021 at 10:50 pm EDT

Ups and downs, they are all around. What can you do to get ahead of the demands of time and requirements of your daily obligations? The Mountains, The Valleys, and The Lakes…of Life You are on a journey, traveling through your life Sometimes you ...

To The Beat of Your Drums!

February 25th, 2021 at 1:34 pm EDT

Dance to the rhythm of your drums and get your mojo working, your motion moving forward and success is around the corner! To the Beat of Your Drums! Make this Change (Reap the Rewards!) You… Want to change your life You… Are looking for the ...

Made to Be Broken! (I Don't Like Rules)

February 24th, 2021 at 11:26 am EDT

Are you a follower? Do you break new ground in your business? If your answer is no, why not? Breaking the Rules!! (Yes, they are Made to be Broken!)Taken from “These Content Marketing Rules Are Made to Be Broken” by Ann GynnAre we to follow the ...