Subject: Do you wanna grab some?

Do you wanna grab some?

July 6th, 2023 at 9:43 am EDT

Good morning!Today’s message is gonna be short and sweet… I know it’s true,You are one of the folks that love to hear about opportunitiesTo reach out and grab for the life you desire and dream of, But did you knowIf you don’t have your own ...

What would you do?

July 5th, 2023 at 9:28 am EDT

Happy 4th of July!

July 4th, 2023 at 9:16 am EDT

Happy 4th of July!A day of celebration and great food… Are you a lover of barbeque?How about ribs, hot dogs, hamburgers, and of course,Potato salad! Before you dive into such wonderful and tasty foods,Take a 14-minute break and check out the vide ...

Safe may not be the best...

July 3rd, 2023 at 2:34 pm EDT

Most folks aren’t living a life they want or desire…But why not? Could it be a massive mistake their making? Could it be because they take the safe pathInstead of risking the possibility of failure?Resulting in average, boring, and safe results ...

Who really wants a stressful life?

July 2nd, 2023 at 10:57 am EDT

Are you living a normal life?A life of living that includes daily stress? You probably know that everyone who is living todayMust deal with some form of stress- Stress that can really wear you downAnd wear you outAnd if you’re not carefulThat sam ...

Do you dream of quitting?

July 1st, 2023 at 9:01 am EDT

Do you have secret dreams that you quit your job?That you walked right into your boss' office and gave your 2 week's notice? Do you ever wonder when it’s the RIGHT time to quit? A very successful mentor and friend has discovered there is a “magi ...

Are you living in a fantasy?

June 30th, 2023 at 10:34 am EDT

We teach our children to see what's real as opposed to what's a fantasy, but are we doing the same thing? Its another beautiful day and I am so happy you are here! The message for you todayIs to be willing to let go of the life you currently haveI ...

Can you escape the lock on your dreams?

June 29th, 2023 at 9:52 am EDT

Isn't it time we discovered the blocks holding us back from the things we want and need in our lives? Hey what’s up? A burning question is on your plate today… Do you know what’s holding you back from your dreams? Do you know why your aren ...

Unlocking to get what you really want...

June 28th, 2023 at 9:59 am EDT

Are you ready to unlock the true potential of your online journey to success? Are you ready to begin using the suggestions from the past week and a half? Here's another key takeaway for you to consider… The art of visualization and goal-setting.  ...

Do you know where your mindsets?

June 27th, 2023 at 6:00 am EDT

 What comes to your mind when you hear the word: Mindset?Do you feel it’s some weird word from another language or culture?Or does it inspire your to want to learn more? Today’s message contains a self-assessment quiz you can and should take to ...