Subject: Big, bold, audacious, maybe even courageous...

Big, bold, audacious, maybe even courageous...

September 4th, 2023 at 9:00 am EDT

Could it be Audacious?Maybe Bold or Daring orEven Courageous? So, you’re asking “Bob, what are you talking about?” Well stick with it here for a minute to learn what it means… When you look back at 2023, do you feel like you haven’t done ...

Aren't you a big fan of options?

September 2nd, 2023 at 7:53 pm EDT

Are you ready for Monday?Its Labor Day and a holiday.  In honor of the holiday,Because of all your hard work and labor,Take just a couple of minutesGet comfortableSitting in your favorite chairAnd with your favorite beverage of choice... Close your ...

If your happy this is not for you...

September 2nd, 2023 at 11:24 am EDT

Not everyone is interestedAnd excited about changing and improving their shot at success They say their happy with how life has treated them… 100% happy with their job,100% happy with their bank accountsAnd 100% happy with their life in general.  ...

Isn't it great to have an unfair advantage?

September 1st, 2023 at 10:43 am EDT

Yes you've been told-You have to be fairAnd everyone should be the same… But is it really true? Wouldn’t it be fantastic if you could have a leg up on your competition? Who wouldn’t want an unfair advantage?(Keep reading to find out how) Thi ...

Are you one who doesn't love results?

August 31st, 2023 at 10:41 am EDT

Have you ever met someone who is afraid of getting results?Afraid to take part because they enjoy failure and losing? Have you met anyone who is proud to say they didn't take action because they wanted to avoid success? No?Me neither. Do you want to ...

Do Invitations come everyday?

August 30th, 2023 at 11:18 am EDT

Isn't it great when you get an invitation to go to a special event and have the time of your life? An unique invitation awaits you at the end of this message,So keep reading to the end... Are you doing what you really want to do today?Hanging with ...

Should you stop doing this today?

August 29th, 2023 at 10:47 am EDT

Top of the morning to ya!Here's some thoughts for you to ponder as the week is getting started...  Have you ever wondered what it takes to start creating those things that you imagine can and should be yours? Have you thought about what the first s ...

Who really wants to embrace their powers?

August 28th, 2023 at 11:00 am EDT

Good morning and happy Monday! To start the week off on a positive note,Here's a question for you: When you’re having a private momentAnd thinking about your inner desires- Do you find you want to increase success in your life?How about money or ...

Is it time to bury it?

August 27th, 2023 at 11:35 am EDT

They often say its dead and no longer effective, could they be wrong? You bet they can and they are! You've seen or heard the headline that says: -Email Marketing is Dead! You’ve been researching ways to make it online and you’ve seen quotes l ...

You think you've found it, are you right?

August 26th, 2023 at 11:11 am EDT