Subject: fired!


August 31st, 2021 at 9:00 am EDT

Literally hundreds of people show up to the Business Launch Challenge looking for a way to quit their jobs and become their own boss... And after 2.5 days working hand in hand with our team to build and launch their business, most people end up with ...

scary truth

August 30th, 2021 at 9:00 am EDT

Did you know that 90% of people would rather die than change? I know it sounds scary, but the truth is that change is way harder than most of us realize. That’s because we’re going about it backwards! This article from my mentor and his team brea ...

work smart

August 29th, 2021 at 8:00 am EDT

There’s plenty of “gurus” out there preaching about the latest and greatest ways to build a business online. They’ll tell you about the latest trends and fads that will be useless in about a month, or tell you that you need to spend hours a d ...

Whoa, bet you didn't see that coming!

August 28th, 2021 at 8:00 am EDT

Happy Saturday! This is to say thank you for reading the emails and checking out the videos which have been included for your learning pleasure. Don't forget to tell those you care about... That you love them! -Bob Ignore the following text. It’s r ...

Really weird video

August 27th, 2021 at 9:00 am EDT

Here’s a little (crazy) bonus for you What if you could steal Superman’s powers? Have the charisma of Brad Pitt? Snag the s*x appeal of Julia Roberts? Or the investing savvy of Warren Buffet? I know it sounds ‘weird’. But that’s pretty mu ...

Hey Var_Email

August 26th, 2021 at 8:30 am EDT

I've been keeping this from the public, but I wanted you to get your hands on it... ...before I'm forced to tell a few friends about it. Check this out FAST! Best,Bob Baker Ignore the following text. It’s random & only here to improve delivery. It ...

Keep your leads HUNGRY to buy! (Do this)

August 26th, 2021 at 8:00 am EDT

You probably already know that an email list is your most valuable asset as an online business owner. But if no one opens your emails or follows your links, how do you expect to turn your email list into your own “digital atm!?” My team decided t ...

Horrifying truth about passive income

August 25th, 2021 at 9:00 am EDT

Brutally honest video exposes the horrifying truth that awaits us all in retirement................ Who doesn’t wanna live the ‘passive income dream’, right? Wouldn’t it be nice to let our money go to work for us, retire, and sip mai tais o ...

keep this between us

August 24th, 2021 at 10:30 am EDT

“If you took all my wealth and left me with only this, I’d build wealth again in record time” I just watched this video and it left me speechless. It’s my mentor’s “#1 Success Secret” And I can see now why he says, “If you took all ...

control your destiny

August 23rd, 2021 at 11:00 am EDT

Imagine waking up on a Monday morning with a brand new online business that’s primed and ready. Imagine opening your inbox and seeing hot, excited folks wanting to buy from you. What would it be like to take back control of your financial destiny? ...