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Self-Care: Is it Time-Consuming, Selfish, or Expensive?

Recipe?..... For Burnout!

Long hours…

Multiple deadlines from several departments…

Feeling isolated…

They said, “Try self-care, it will be easy” …

You already feel you don’t have any control over your life…

Self-care has a reputation for being time-consuming, selfish, and expensive…

By now, you have decided it’s not worth the trouble or effort…

Let’s take a few minutes and believe it doesn’t have to cost a penny…

I want to share 3 Self-Care tips that could change your life…

They don’t require any extra time or money…

1. Transitioning to/from Work

Listen to music or uplifting messages when you are on your way to somewhere

Use this time to be built up, encouraged, and motivated

On the way back home, turn everything off

Use the silence in the car to settle your mind from the business of the day

This time of peace and quiet will be refreshing after a busy day

It may seem strange and odd at first, but you will soon be craving the quiet trip home

2. Meeting Your Physical Needs

We are talking about eating, and going to the bathroom

How may of us withhold these basic needs because of deadlines, meetings or the needs of others?

Good quality food is essential to fueling your body as you work in your demanding field

You may struggle to stop for lunch when you are on the go as things pile up at work

But stopping for lunch accomplishes 3 things…

      1. Stopping and allowing your body and mind to take a break from                others

      2. You’re eating something healthy and nutritious to fuel your body              for the rest of the day

     3. You’re giving your emotional self a time to relax and recharge

Eating lunch is more than just grabbing a quick bite

3. Adjusting Technology

Technology is meant to serve you, not enslave you

Take advantage of opportunities to customize your settings and turn off notifications

Take control of when and how often you check and respond to emails, texts, and phone calls

Close your email down after you check it, don’t leave the app open

When you’re focused on a task, turn your phone ringer off, and leave your cell out of sight so you can’t see notifications

You will feel calmer and in control of your work and mind when you remove devices that demand your attention

Remember that Multi-tasking is really a myth…

It’s described as “Highly inefficient and potentially dangerous to your health”, by David Meyer, a leading expert on multitasking and a cognitive scientist at the University of Michigan…

Even the most adept “multi-tasker” will crash and burn trying to resolve simultaneous conflicting demands…

The messages will be there when you are done, the emails won’t go anywhere…

IF you are to be successful in your business or professional life, you must take care of your physical and psychological health…

Too many of us get so involved in our daily tasks, we forget to take care of number one: ourselves

How can we expect to be the supermen or superwomen, (how we see ourselves to be), if our bodies let us down because of neglect?

Or if we are forgetful, or worse, have a breakdown because of the constant stress that never lets up?

So, take time away from your busy schedule and recharge yourself on a regular basis…

Listen to the beautiful silence on the way home from work… (I have done this for a while and its amazing what you do hear in the silence!) …

Take time to eat a healthy lunch each day to feed your body, you will learn to love it, and you body will soon expect it…

And the hardest of all, (for me too!), turn off the phone ringer, close the email and concentrate on the task at hand, not to be distracted by the devices…

This is great advice from an article I read by Laura Howe; “Self-Care Doesn’t Have to Be Time-Consuming, Selfish, or Expensive

Remember we are responsible for our own health and no job or business is worth losing our health just to finish or complete a task in record time…

Take care of yourselves so you can be there for the important things…

Your family and loved ones need you to be here!

Love you and value you and support you all as I can….

Bob Baker
P.S. You can visit my Facebook page at @Bebop67

You can always email me at with any questions or comments, I look forward to hearing from you!
Robert Baker, 604 Birch Ln, Richardson, TX 75081, United States
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