Subject: Yep, we're ok...

 Hey my friend,

I just wanted to let you all know the reason you didn’t hear from me yesterday.

You may have seen or heard about the storms that hit the southern states…

In case you didn’t know, I live in a suburb of Dallas.


During the past 48 hours:

We had winds in excess of 75 mph at my home yesterday morning,

Which caused us to lose our electricity for almost 12 hours.


I have a rehearsal studio where I play my drums and have band practices,

That was hit by a tornado and lost parts of the roof.

And unfortunately my room was one of the hardest hit.


And I was lucky enough that all my equipment was damaged by the falling roof and wet ceiling tiles and insulation.


We are safe and things are returning to normal.

Tomorrow I will get back to my normal routine and send you some valuable content (and no sales hype!).


Thank you for reading my emails and have a safe and pleasant day.



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