Subject: Would you stop doing this?

 Hey its Saturday!

The first day of your weekend,

Do you have a ton of things you want to do,

But unfortunately, not enough time to do them?


So here's a question for you today:

Do you overestimate what you are capable of doing or getting done in the short term-

But then underestimate what happens in the long term?


Yeah, it happens to most of us, a lot of the time.


And, if you put all the pressure on yourself,

To get those things completed

But then you don’t get them done-

It can make you feel bad; deflated and underwhelmed.


It hits you where it hurts, your ego or your feeling of self-worth.


And then the worse happens…

You just give up.


A wise man said: “The truth is, you can only go so long before you run out of time and energy, then you’re capped.”


Can you imagine what you could get done if short sightedness was not a factor in your life?


Tap here now for the solution » 



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