Subject: Why would you want a large library?

Do you believe the years you spent in school prepared you for success in the real world?


To start out today's message,

Here’s some food for thought…

Do you have a big TV

Or do you own a large library?


You may ask “what’s the difference?”

Some have said that “rich people” love to learn.


I have to admit, it seems to be true

As the leaders in our industry tend to be life-long learners.


And because the educational system we all went to

Just doesn’t teach us how to achieve riches-

Instead, it tends to make us all the same...


Or in other words: mediocre.


Don’t want to get into a rant about the education system,

But it’s important to realize it doesn’t prepare us very well for the real world.


So, what can we do about it?


We can and should learn how to educate ourselves

And start the journey to independence and greatness.


There is an entertaining and educational video I want you to see

And today’s subject is the first part.


Tap here to discover 9 signs you will become a millionaire one day »


Let me know what you think and if you would like more content like this.


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