Subject: Who's motivated? (open)

It’s the beginning of another week, and opportunities can be seen everywhere you are looking…


Do you set goals for yourself?

Goals can be a huge part of helping you improve your life.

But how are you on following up with the goals you set for yourself? 

Yes, motivation can sometimes push you forward and keep you on track

But what if you really don’t feel like following through?

Maybe somedays you just don’t feel like it.


Tap here to discover help on motivating yourself »


Here’s some suggestions to help get back in the groove, taken from the website:

Put your goal on the calendar: Give yourself a target date to complete certain tasks.

You are more likely to stay motivated when you have a future date to complete your tasks, and it will help you track your progress.


But don’t forget you have to be realistic when setting your target date, You don’t want to fall into the trap of giving yourself too much leeway in the amount of time you‘ll need.


Make working toward your goal a habit: You can build up a conditioned response which can help you to stay motivated.

Here’s a great way to do this: Identify a trigger.


When you choose a daily habit, such as having your first cup of coffee or eating lunch to be your trigger for the action, the connection (the trigger) can really get you going.

Examples for getting yourself to the gym might include: “When I get each morning and wash my face and brush my teeth, I will put on my work-out clothes.”


And you should start small-

Such as 5 minutes of whatever you what to motivate yourself to accomplish.  

The importance of small tasks like these is how they can PRIME your mind to get started on a longer or more difficult task looming in your future.


Hang in there and give these a try and see if they don’t help you get started on new things you want to do

Or help you stay on track on your current goals.


Tap here now for more on motivating yourself »


And more tomorrow!


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