Subject: Who wants to take MASSIVE action?


Just wanted to send you a friendly reminder about the Business Launch Challenge (BLC) that is scheduled to start this Friday, June 23rd. 

In less than 24 hours, the doors to the BLC will be closed…for good.


Tap here to secure your seat NOW before its too late »


Here’s what some folks who have attended a past Business Launch Challenge have stated:


Tamara I. -“Exciting news!, Believe it or not #BLCWORKS totally! I got 22 leads overnight and 1 sale yoo-hoo!”


 Patrick G.- “Fullstaq is the truth. Just made my 1st sale. Oh yeah! #blcworks”

Jon T. – “HOLY POTATO BATMAN! I GOT 17 LEADS (and 1 sale) OVERNIGHT! F*CK YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!11”


Laural D. – “Woke up today to see I got 18 leads and 1 sale overnight!!! #blcworks!”

To let you know the truth, we are getting close to the maximum allowed-

We only have so many team members that are available to help out and ensure you have everything you need, and answer any questions that come up.


So, tap here to see if the link is still active and if it is…


Be sure you take advantage of this fantastic opportunity while you still can.


And remember the official close of registration for the event is 4pm Pacific Standard Time today.


Are you ready to take massive action in your life and start building your legacy?


Tap here and secure your seat NOW for the BLC »


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