Subject: Who thinks bias is always bad?

Hey gang, its Saturday!


Here’s an interesting subject with both long term and with possibly detrimental effects to your future:


Do you feel like you’re getting a “dopamine” hit

Whenever YOU find something new?


Something exciting that…

Well, something that basically turns you on?


For example,

Do you feel like you’re getting that same kind of thrill you get…

When you eat your favorite foods?

Or (believe it or not) when you’re sitting down with your phone

Looking at FaceBook!


What could be making you feel that way?

Maybe it’s because we are always in a constant state of overstimulation.


Tap here to discover how to trick your brain to better focus »


Do you feel like your mind has time to “wander”?

And would that be a good thing?

(Stick with me here for a minute)


Would you like to keep your focus on what’s important to you-

Instead of those pesky notifications you get

Whenever you hear that “ping” on your phone?


So answer this…

Have you heard of novelty bias?

Could it be a natural occurrence where you have a preference

For the newest thing in your choices…?


If you having to make a choice about something

And there are multiple choices (too many!)

It can be difficult to decide which one you want

Because its been shown we all have an inner belief that newer is better.


But be aware the thing you must watch out for…

Is to not let novelty bias influence your decision-making

And keeping you from using your rational thoughts.


Tap here for a very short YouTube video to learn more »



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