Subject: Who says you don't deserve it?

One of my favorite movie lines is from the Unforgiven: "Deserving has nothing to do with it" Do you agree?

What do you believe about the world?

Do you believe you deserve to poor?

Could it be a post hypnotic suggestion that was implanted into your brain when you were very young?

A suggestion that helps make you poor, and keep you poor?


Tap here for a sneak peek »


Maybe it boils down to our education system

Are we being indoctrinated to stay poor?

(And not everything we’re taught is bad!)

But we are taught to sit down and be quiet

And not to question what we're being told-

Could that really be a path to wealth?


Would you rather look wealthy,

Than to actually be wealthy?


Thinking about this can make you wonder how you might change things…

Tap here to discover how to change your values »


Have your greatest week yet!


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