Subject: Who really is sabotaging themselves?

Do you suspect you may be undermining your ability to achieve that which you seek or desire?

Howdy on this glorious day!

Down here in the big state of Texas, we are finally getting some relief form all the heat.

And It is well received.


Today lets take a look a problem that seems to affect many who want to be successful in their business, their relationships or society in general;

How to stop sabotaging yourself.


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So what exactly is self-sabotage?

Its action behaviors that can be intentional or unintentional

And those actions (or inactions) can truly undermine a person’s progress

Preventing them from achieving their goals and dreams.


Are you taking destructive steps that are negatively impacting every part of your life?

Including having negative impacts on not only your career

But also interfering in your relationships?


At this point, you may be asking "what could cause self-sabotaging behavior"?

According to an article on the website penned by Barbra Field, people self-sabotage themselves for a variety of reasons.


Those reasons can be conscious or unconscious in nature

They could start with issues that occurred in your childhood

Or from relationships from your past.


You should also know that self-sabotage can be an unconscious mechanism for coping with stressful situations...

And who doesn’t have stressful situations to deal with almost everyday?

But keep in mind it also tends to make problems worse instead of better

And will keep you from moving forward in you journey to succeed.


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So how can you stop this destructive behavior in your life?

Stay tuned as tomorrow’s message will look at how to stop self-sabotaging and help free it from holding you back and reaching your goals.

Warm regards,


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