Subject: Who do YOU blame when something goes wrong?

Today you get to hear about an important concept or word

It’s a longer word, but not too difficult to say or understand.


You can use it to get ahead (in fact, you should use it always!)


On the MindTools website, they define it as:

“being willing to answer… for the outcomes resulting from your choices, behaviors, and actions.”


So what is the word?



Can you receive benefits from personal accountability?

You may find it difficult or tough sometimes to take on your own personal accountability,

Again, from the MindTools website,

They state that when you do take on greater personal responsibility

You will most likely find you have healthier and even better relationships

With those you deal with every day.


It also helps to build trust with those you deal with at work and in social situations.


They state it can even save you time and money! (wow!)


Because, if you are one who takes responsibility for your own actions, you’ll likely speak up when you see a problem and look for possible solutions.


So you have to admit, it does sound like a goal we should all have

In both our own personal and business lives.


To learn more about personal accountability and for suggestions on building or improving it for yourself…

(And for no cost or sales pages)

Tap here now »



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