Subject: Where do you Focus? (Open to Find Out!)

Good morning, Bob here and I wanted to share what I read this morning…

In the book, “How Successful People Think”, the author, John C. Maxwell, gives many suggestions…

Where should you focus you thinking?...

Does every area of your life deserve dedicated, focused, thinking time?...

Of course not, be selective in your focused time…

He dedicates focused thinking time for…




Intentional Networking

He also suggests the reader’s focus will most likely be different…

The author gives three areas to help identify where you should focus you thinking… 

Identify your priorities

Focus on your strengths- the things that make the most of your God given talents

Focus on what brings the most returns and rewards

Do what you enjoy and do best-give your attention to areas that bear fruit 

Discover your gifts

Not all people are self-aware and know their talents and strengths

Take a personality profile test or interview positive friends and family members for their input

To focus your thinking in your areas of strength, you need to know what they are

Develop your dream

To accomplish great things, you need to have a great dream

If you don’t know what your dream is, use your focused thinking to help you discover it

If you go back to the same area over and over, you may discover your dream there

Once you find your dream move forward, don’t look back….

The younger you are, the more things will attract your attention…

This is good, you are still getting to know yourself, your strengths and weaknesses…

As you get older and more experienced, the need to focus becomes critical…

The farther and higher you go, the more and more focused you need to be…

I hope you find value in this small snapshot of Mr. Maxwell’s book and I look forward to sharing additional tidbits I am learning in my education to be an entrepreneur

Bob Baker

Remember what’s important to us all; family, health and satisfaction in life.
Robert Baker, 604 Birch Ln, Richardson, TX 75081, United States
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