Subject: When do you exercise self-discipline?



Yes I’m back and ready to get started again on our journey to be a more responsible person…


We had left off on the 9th and final suggestion to becoming

A more responsible person:


 Exercising Self-Discipline


Want to be successful and take care of the obligations you have every day?


You will use self-discipline to get it done.


Tap here for more on self-discipline »


What if you looking to get a new job that requires you to get up earlier than you like?


You will use self-discipline to find a way to make it happen.


Well, what if you feel that exercise is important

But you don’t see how you can fit in the time to go

With the rest of your busy day?


Again, you will use self-discipline to find a way to make it happen.


Are you seeing the pattern?


If something is important to you and you want it bad enough,

You’ll find a way.


When you are a responsible person, you become a Master of balancing your actions when you want something bad enough.


And therefore, Self-discipline is a way of being for those who desire to succeed.


Wouldn’t you agree?


Tap here NOW for 17 exercises to build your self-discipline »


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