Subject: What's Your Legacy?

What is Your Legacy?

According to Merriam-Webster:

1. A gift by will especially of money or other personal property

2. Something transmitted by or received from an ancestor or predecessor or from the past

3. A candidate for membership in an organization, (such as a school or fraternal order), who is given special status because of a familial relationship to a member

For our discussion we will consider the second definition…

What is the lasting purpose of your life?

What trace will you leave behind you after your gone?

What will your Legacy be?

When we live for something bigger than ourselves, it creates meaning

It creates Purpose and impact for us…

But nothing happens without intention

To have a legacy, you have to intentionally plan one…

Have you thought about what your legacy will be?

What wells are you digging now, that others who come after you will drink from?

What will you leave behind for your family and those who follow you in your business?

Decide what actions you must take to build your legacy

And act on those today…

It’s important to think about our legacy at all stages in our life…

It’s a side-effect of every single thing we do in our life…

Don’t let life pass you by without considering the legacy you will leave behind…

“Carve your name on hearts, not tombstones. A legacy is etched into the minds of others and the stories they share about you.” -Shannon L. Alder

“No legacy is so rich as honesty.” -William Shakespeare

“While it is well enough to leave footprints on the sands of time, it is even more important to make sure they point in a commendable direction.” -James Cabell

What 5 things describe how you will be remembered?

Take some time and think about what people will remember about you if you were gone today…

Examples to get you thinking;

What do my family members think of me and what will they remember most about me?

Have I learned from past mistakes and changed my life because of it?

Do I need to make amends to anyone?

Have I made a positive impact on my children and their children?

What about me will be remembered in a positive light?

Do I want to be remembered for a life that was lived to the fullest?

Or a life that simply happened?

Each of us is a work of art, a unique self-portrait…

Will you leave behind a meaningful legacy?

Today is a beautiful day because you are in it!

Take the time to think about what’s truly important in your life and acknowledge it any way that you can…

Tell those you care about what they mean to you…

Talk to that person who looks lonely and lost…

Don’t be afraid to reach out and help someone who is struggling…

And keep your attitude positive and pass it along, play it forward…

Bob Baker
P.S. You can check out my Facebook page at @bebob67, and email me at with any questions or thoughts, I would love to hear from you!

P.S.S. Today’s information was taken and inspired from articles by Brian Moran and Sharon Smith
Robert Baker, 604 Birch Ln, Richardson, TX 75081, United States
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