Subject: What does that mean?

What is That? What does it mean?

If you are new, (or even experienced), to the wonderful and exciting world of digital marketing, you might be overwhelmed by the acronyms and terms used in the business…

To help understand what these terms mean and how they may be used, here is a glossary of many terms and acronyms you may see on any given day…

A/B Split Testing: Running 2-3 similar ads at the same time to determine which performs best

Above the Fold: Content that appears before the user has scroll down the page

: Business to business

B2C: Business to consumer

Bounce Rate
: The number or percentage of users who land on your site and only view one page

Bounce Rate (Email Marketing): The percentage of emails that were not delivered in a campaign

Buyer Persona: Something created to give a better idea of what potential customers look like; includes demographics, buyer motivations, behaviors and goals

Copy: The main text used in advertisements

CPA: Cost per Acquisition

CPI: Cost per impression

Creatives: Pictures, videos, sounds used in ads

CTA: Call to action

: Click through rate

DA: Domain Authority

Digital Marketing: used to describe any type of online marketing such as search engine optimization, Pay per Click (PPC), social media marketing and email marketing

Engagement Rate: Hoe much your users are interacting with your brand on Blogs, Facebook posts, Instagram, tweets and photos

Hard Bounce: Emails that were not delivered 

Impressions: The count of how many times your content was displayed to users

KPI: Key Performance Indicators

Lead Generation: How your business obtains leads; how you grab the attention of your customers

Lead Magnet
: A small give away, free e-book, guide, etc., given in exchange for an email address

Lead Nurturing: Nurturing a lead until they become a customer

List Segmentation: Breaking up email lists by and for various reasons such as age, location, new and returning customers and used in automations

Look Alike Audiences: Used in email marketing, used to target audiences similar to ones you already have

Open Rate: How many users opened your email

PA: Page Authority

Pixel: A snippet of code inserted into your website for tracking purposes

PPC: Pay Per Click

Quality Score: Used by Google to determine how relevant are your paid search ads, the lower the score the more the ads will be shown over competitors’ ads and the less they will cost to do so

Reach: The total number of users who actually view your content

Relevancy Score: Used on Facebook to score creatives and copy in advertisements. Used to determine how it compares to other ads

Remarketing: Used to get customers who did not make purchase back to your site

ROI: Return on investment

SEO: Search Engine Optimization

Soft Bounce: Email was delivered but bounced back because the user’s inbox was full, their email server was down, the email was too large

Thank You Page: Added after a customer makes a purchase and helps in tracking conversions

Total Opens: Accounts for every time you email was opened

Wow, there is quite a number of terms!

When I first started as a digital marketer, I did find it confusing to be confronted by all the terms I didn’t recognize…

But they do start to make sense… 

Hope you found value in this information…

I may go into more detail on some terms in upcoming emails…

As always, I value you and want you to have the life you always dreamed of…

Bob Baker
P.S. You can check out my Facebook page at @bebob67, and email me at with any questions or thoughts, I would love to hear from you!
Robert Baker, 604 Birch Ln, Richardson, TX 75081, United States
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