Subject: Top way to "Fix" your growth...

Hey friend,

 You may have heard there are two different types of mindset…

Fixed verses growth.


When someone has a fixed mindset

They believe their abilities and their intelligence are “static” traits.

If you have a fixed mindset, you will often avoid challenges

And may have a false sense of competence.

In other words, you are likely to put limits on your personal and professional growth-

And discourage yourself from taking perceived risks and new experiences.

Do you have a preference for staying in your comfort zone

And avoiding opportunities for learning and trying new things?

If you answer yes, you probably have a fixed mindset,

And you should know it’s easy to get discouraged and give up your goals without making a real effort.


Now for the good news…

The growth mindset is characterized by the belief that your abilities

And the strength of your mind and intelligence

Can be developed and built stronger by your own efforts,

Efforts that include learning and perseverance.


When you have a growth mindset, you look for

And actually embrace challenges and opportunities that will help to build up your growth, (hence the name), growth that is both personal and professional.

You will stop being afraid of failure!

And as my mentor is fond of saying,

“Don’t be afraid to suck.”

(He means you will be terrible at a new skill at first, but don’t let that hold you back).

When you have a growth mindset, you will tend to have a positive outlook on life in general

And handle the obstacles in your path with confidence and an open mind-

Knowing that you will come out stronger in the long run.


Want to learn more about fixed verses growth mindset?

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