Subject: This is My Story (Open Now)

My story…


MY name is Bob Baker and I am a digital marketer with Fullstaq Marketer

But before I became an entrepreneur…

I played music for 15 years….

Until I got tired of being poorbroke…having to rely on my friends and family…

Then I came home to live with my parents…

Started school…

After 7 years and multiple changes in my major studies, I became an RN…

Worked for the government at a Veteran’s Affairs facility in Dallas…

A truly unsatisfying place to work, but the patients were wonderful and I was glad to be able to help them…

Then I found my niche as a nurse…Homecare! 

A company that had the patient’s welfare as the number 1 priority…

Staff welfare was next…

It was wonderful! I became a leader in our agency, ultimately getting into management and getting additional education in Nursing administration…

Then, disaster struck…

After 17 years of satisfaction in my nursing career, my hospital-based agency was sold to a for-profit company…

Suddenly, the 5 pillars of excellence we had built our patient care on became 1 pillar; profit for the company…

We were promised to retain our salaries and seniority…

So, I stayed with the company as my salary was quite nice…

During the next 6 months I watch in horror as our agency lost its reputation and standing in the health care community…

The Doctors who used us exclusively left in droves

Our patient satisfaction scores went to pot…

I had enough and gave my notice…

I did find work in case management for an insurance company and then a local Children’s Hospital…

But my new positions required compromises of my personal standards

Having to deny care to patients because of company policies…

So, again I left…

I searched for alternative ways to make a living…

I found many opportunities on line…

Many were scams…

I was getting discouraged…

Dreading what I might have to return to…

Then, I found a YouTube video done by a Bald guy with a funny name, (Keala Kanae, one of my mentors now!), talking about being a Digital Marketer…

A program called Fullstaq

A program teaching how to be a Digital Marketer step-by-step…

With detailed instruction given by industry gurus who have made multiple 6 and 7 figure incomes marketing online themselves…

With a private, online community Face Book group for support and inspiration…

So, I attended a webinar and signed up to learn…

And, my life is totally different now…

I have learned so much…My mindset is growing daily… I have many friends in the entrepreneur niche who help each other to excel as our businesses grow…

I was given powerful training how to be an internet marketer…How to leverage the online platform…

And, Fullstaq stresses the importance of our mindset…How we think and behave…

It is a 50/50 proposition…Our success comes from the marriage of both!

Some of my peers share their experiences below…

Maggie M., a member of Fullstaq and says:

“Before discovering Fullstaq, I had been a publicist and PR professional. After taking off to raise my 2 sons, I took a job in a profession I was overqualified for, which did not offer any advancement. I reached a point in my life where I wanted to rediscover my dreams. Fullstaq Marketer gave me the perfect opportunity; it provided skills training to go step-by-step through how to place advertising and how to market on that platform and how to leverage the internet where the opportunities are enormous. It gave me the skills and brought me into an incredible community for support.”

Joe Hall, another Fullstaq Marketer states:

“3 years ago, I got completely burned out by the corporate grind, so I started a mobile detailing business. In learning the business and how to market the business, I stumbled onto Fullstaq Marketer. Its been an A to Z transformation for me to the point the mobile detailing business has taken a back seat to my marketing business. Over the course of 2 Years now, I have been able to make about $15 grand as an affiliate for one program, and I am working on multiple other affiliate programs now, and I actually market for 2 freelance agencies, all from the comfort of my house.”

I have met hundreds of great people with very similar stories as Maggie and Joe, as well as other folks like myself at in-person events hosted by Fullstaq Marketer….

I have met the experts who did the Fullstaq online training videos and they are very open and willing to talk and network with the people attending the events…

It is an incredible community of folks from all walks of life, all age groups and descriptions and I am very proud to be a member…

I am happy and excited that I made that initial decision to click on a link in an ad and become a member of Fullstaq Marketer

Its been and incredible journey of learning and achieving and becoming a Digital Marketer with my own company…I am my own boss… I work when I want to…I never miss out on family events… I can go anywhere I want to, any time I want to…I don’t have to be home to work…I just need a laptop and internet connection…

Wouldn’t you love to make money while you sleep?...When your on vacation with your loved ones?...Wherever you are and no matter what you’re doing?...

Can you afford to miss out on an opportunity like this?

If you are ready to begin,<< click here now>>

Picture yourself in your dream life…Having time to take your family to wonderful locations anytime you want…

Do you really want to let this slip by? continue the endless struggle of the frustrations of working for others…making other folks businesses succeed while you give your sweat and blood and energy…

Like the satisfaction of finding that parking spot right next to the door of the store or mall where you are about to start shopping…

Break free of the chains and bonds holding you back from your dreams…

Once you get started with Fullstaq Marketer, you will never have to worry about this again. <<Click here to start your new life>>

I want to thank you in advance for you quick response and decision and I look forward to seeing and meeting you in a future Fullstaq Marketer event!

Bob Baker
Keala Kanae (my mentor) and myself at an Awaken event in Las Vegas
P.S. Many Successful people are those who can make decisions quickly and rarely change their minds later <<Click Here to get Started Now Before this Opportunity is Gone!>>
Robert Baker, 604 Birch Ln, Richardson, TX 75081, United States
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