Subject: The YouTube Market...(Visit Now!)

Should You Market on YouTube?

Is it possible to generate lead and sales on YouTube?

YouTube doesn’t run the same pay-to-play for exposure model that Facebook does…

YouTube only allows channels with at least 1,000 subscribers and 4,000 hours of watch time to run ads…

YouTube wants to keep subscribers on their platform…

It is a search engine…

With great opportunities for organic growth… (Organic growth refers to the growth of a business through internal processes, relying on its own resources) …

It is a prediction/recommendation engine… (one that gathers raw data, sorts and organizes the data, and uses software to make predictions or recommendations)…

YouTube notices the types of content people respond to positively

When viewers who typically respond well to the type of content you produce but haven’t seen your content, YouTube will begin recommending your videos to those viewers…

When your videos do well, YouTube uses the “markers” of those videos to find more customers for you…

If you offer opt-ins in some but not all of your videos, people will stay on your videos longer…

This generates momentum for your channel…

Raises your discoverability

Take note of which of your videos people are responding to…

Then you can use the audience retention reports to see where you can deliver a better experience for the viewers…

When you post on Facebook, only a small percent of your audience will ever see it in the newsfeed and only for about 24 hours…

Facebook content has a usual shelf life of minutes and hours, not days…

To take advantage of YouTube’s recommendations, be sure your titles and thumbnails feature keywords and are compelling to capture the viewers’ attention…

Your communication should “shout” your content is for them…

How can you actually market on YouTube?

Clarify what you are trying to accomplish…

Think of your YouTube video as a community-building/awareness tool…

Use the first part of the video to introduce yourself instead of driving people to an opt-in right away…

Next, deliver value, not a pitch…

The more value you provide the viewer, the more often people will come back for more…

And you want people to watch as many of your videos as possible…

Then YouTube will show your videos to more people…

Value-based content can used to passively generate leads…

Make your service or product the topic of your content…

Being passive, most people may not notice, but those looking for what you offer WILL notice…

If you seeded your contact information correctly on YouTube, they will reach out to you by email…

I found this information presented by Social Media Examiner in the article: “YouTube for Marketing: What Marketers Need to Know”.

I have studied YouTube as a marketing tool in my own training and yet, I did pick up some pointers from this article…

Hoping your received value today from my email…

Great weekends are in store for each of us!

Hold your loved ones close and let them know how you feel…

Stay positive, stay healthy and stay safe

Bob Baker
P.S. You can visit my Facebook page at @Bebop67

P.S.S. You can always email me at with any questions or comments, I look forward to hearing from you!
Robert Baker, 604 Birch Ln, Richardson, TX 75081, United States
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