Subject: “Squatters?” Kick ‘em Out!

“Squatters?” Kick ‘em Out!

Yesterday we were talking about “Mastering Our Mind” and about the four types of “Squatters” …

I wrote:

“I am master of My mind and now it is quite peaceful,

Yours can be too!

To achieve this goal, you must recognize you are at the mercy of 

unwanted “Squatters” living in your mind.

If you want to be their boss and evict them from your thinking…

You have to know who they are and what their motivation is…”

So today we will talk about how you can start to control your thoughts…

And developing a greater sense of peace of mind…

If you read the information yesterday, remember there are two 

techniques to use;

• Technique A- Interrupt and replace them

• Technique B- Eliminate them altogether

The technique of interrupting and replacing is a means of 

reprogramming your subconscious mind…

To remind you of the “Squatters” we listed 4 types:

The Inner Critic

The Worrier

The Reactor or Troublemaker 

The Sleep Depriver

Use technique A with the Inner Critic and Worrier 

Use Technique B with the Reactor and Sleep Depriver

For the Inner Critic:

When you catch yourself thinking something negative about yourself such as calling yourself names, disrespecting or berating yourself, stop and interrupt it!

You can Yell (in your mind) “Stop! NO!” or “Enough, I am in control Now!”

Then replace your negative thought with an opposite counter thought…

Or an affirmation that begins with “I am…”  ex.…"I am good..."

If think or say to yourself, “I’m such a loser

Replace it with:

“I am a Divine Creation of the Universal Spirit. I am a perfect spiritual being learning to master the human experience. I am a being of energy, light, and matter. I am magnificent, brilliant, and beautiful. I love and approve of myself just as I am”.

I know that seems like a lot, but it is positive and will help to build you up to your inner self…

You can also have a dialog with yourself to discredit the “voice” that created the thought- if you know whose voice it is:

“Just because so-and-so said I was a loser doesn’t make it true. It was their opinion, not a statement of fact. Or maybe they were joking and I took it seriously because I’m insecure.”

If you recognize you have recurring self-critical thoughts, you can write out or pre-plan your counter thoughts or affirmations to have them ready…

The Inner Critic should be the first squatter to be evicted…

Forcefully… …if necessary!

• They rile up the Worrier

• The names you call yourself become triggers when others call those         names

• So, it maintains the presence of the Reactor

• They are often present when you try to fall asleep so it perpetrates          the Sleep Depriver

• They destroy self-esteem, convincing you that you’re not worthy

• They are a Liar! 

• In the interest of your self-worth you must get them out!!

Get rid of your worst critic, and you will help to diminish the other three squatters…

Replace them with your new best friends who support, encourage, and enhance your life- this IS the presence you want in your mind…

Next let’s look at the Worrier…

It’s physically, mentally, and emotionally unhealthy to have prolonged anxiety…

It can definitely lead to long term implications…

Fear initiates the fight or flight response…

It creates worry in the mind…

And Anxiety in the body!

These can make it much more difficult to control your thoughts effectively…

You can recognize a “worry thought” when it happens by how it feels

The signs the fight or flight response is activated are:

• Increased heart rate, blood pressure or a surge of adrenaline

• Shallow breathing or breathlessness

• Tense muscles

Use the previous method to interrupt any thoughts of worry and then this time replace it with thoughts of gratitude for the outcome you wish for...

If you believe in a higher power, this is the time you can engage with it…

For example, instead of worrying about your loved ones traveling in bad weather, say the following:

“Thank you great spirit, for watching over (_______). Thank you for watching over his/her car and keeping it safe, road worthy, and free of maintenance issues without warning. Thank you for surrounding him/her with only safe, conscientious, and alert drivers. And thank you for keeping him/her safe, conscientious, and alert.”

Smile when you think about it, or say it out loud, and phrase it in the present tense… Both of these will help you feel it and even start to believe it!

Now, take a calming breath, slowly in through the nose and slowly out thought the mouth…

Do this as many times as you like! …Do it until you feel you are close to being in control of your thoughts…

Replacing fearful thoughts with gratitude will decrease reactionary behavior, and take the steam out of the Reactor

Example: If your child gets lost somewhere, like in the mall…

Typically, the parent has a reaction of fear causing them to yell at the child…

“I told you to never leave my sight!” adding to the child’s fear of being lost in the first place…

Plus, (and this is a biggie), it teaches them that mom or dad will get mad when the child makes a mistake, which may cause them to lie to you or not tell you things in the future…

Change those fearful thoughts when they happen to you:

“Thank you (your choice of Higher Power), for watching over my child and keeping him safe. Thank you for helping me find him so soon.”

This way, when you see your child after this thought process, your reaction will be gratitude which is a better alternative for all people involved.

Well, we are halfway through this process of mastering our thoughts and our minds, so I will stop here for today and take it to the finish line in tomorrow’s post.

I hope you find this helpful and informative and today is a great day to try some of these techniques. I do believe they work but sometimes it can be a challenge to put into practice…

You have my word I am going to make the effort and I encourage you to do the same.

Have an incredible and pleasant day and I will see you in another email!

Bob Baker

P.S. Email me at with any questions or thoughts…On face book at @Bebop67

P.S.S. Striving to be a source of information you find interesting and enjoyable…Today's content was taken from an article by Michele Goldstein, “How to Control Your Thoughts and Be the Master of Your Mind”
Robert Baker, 604 Birch Ln, Richardson, TX 75081, United States
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