The Entrepreneur’s 5 Pillars of Success
We must deliver tremendous value to our clients and prospective customers every way we can Also, this helps to create value for ourselves as digital marketers and entrepreneurs
(This is the enlightened self-interest of capitalism)
We have to be productive and in control to do so
Craig Ballantyne, author of “The Perfect Day Formula: How to Own the Day and Control Your Life”, developed the following 5 pillars of success
Plan Ahead
Plot the ideal future for yourself and your business
Preparation is vital to lasting and meaningful success
There are loads of resources available to help with long-term planning
Check out the book “Mastering the Rockefeller Habits”
Implement Professional Accountability
Being held accountable for our commitments and actions is a great motivator
But, doesn’t really work if we look to our friends or teams to keep us honest
Find a professional coach, trainer, or mentor
They can provide expert advice to help with key issues
They will be brutally honest about what you are doing right and wrong
Help you get and stay on track
Be sure to find one that “gets you”, and has the same values and ethics
Recruit Positive Social Support
Cheerleaders are great!
Friends and colleagues who say “Go for it!” and “You can do it!”
They are valuable
Mastermind groups are available and some hold regular meetings and events that can be supportive and motivating
This can also be virtual; Linked In and Facebook groups of like-minded people can be highly effective providing motivational support
Give Yourself Meaningful Incentives
To stick to our plans and visions, we sometimes need things to motivate and reward us
The key is to make it deeply meaningful
Example: “I am doing this for my kids, so I will be around when they graduate from college”
Set a Hard Deadline for Meeting a Goal
Do you like having a deadline looming over you? Most do not
However, deadlines are often very positive for entrepreneurs
It’s helpful to set a series of short deadlines because its easy to tell ourselves we can commit to something for 30, 60, or 90 days
If we get burned out halfway through the process, we can tell ourselves we’re close enough to the deadline to keep pushing forward
Pillars are used by many business and organizations to give structure and meaning to mission values and personnel development
If we are our own boss, it makes sense to have the same kinds of goals and guidelines to help us be successful
And we don’t just want to be successful, we also want to be around for the long term
In my own business, I have a set of pillars that guide me and my actions
As always, I hope you found value in this information
Have a fantastic weekend and live a life of enlightenment, success and love!