Subject: Responsibility; is it more than its cracked up to be?

 To be a happy and content person,

And be a successful person in all the areas of you life that are important to you,

There are certain things you must do

And strive to achieve for your personal success!

(And it doesn’t matter if it’s for your business, personal or social life)

And you should practice them daily.

 For example, think about this...

Did your parents try to teach you responsibility?

Do you believe they were trying to help you become a more responsible person?


You should know that today’s discussion is inspired by  an article at the “Develop Good Habits” website:

“9 Habits to be a more responsible person”


So let’s take a quick look at one of these excellent suggestions…


The first on the list is: “Be Accountable for Yourself”

And I can honestly say this can be hard for some


It means admitting when you are wrong, and owning your mistakes.


It also means that you don’t try to blame others if you’re not able to get what you want.


In other words, it doesn’t make you look good if you’re blaming others for your own shortcomings.


Excuses are not your friends, and you really don’t want to go there…


So if you want to manage your accountability you have to learn when to say no.


This will give you the ability to commit to just what you are capable of doing and completing.


And to support this, the author states:

“You will earn more respect from others if you don’t bite off more than you can chew.”


So the final thoughts for today:


If you commit to a project, task, or goal and you’re not able to finish it-

But you leave it for others to do…

You will foster disappointment and maybe even resentment.


And that’s not a good look for anyone!

Tap here now to read the article »



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