Subject: Procrastination Was My Game

I am a follower of Brian Moran who wrote the excellent book, “The 12 Week Year” which teaches us how to producing a year’s worth of work in a 12-week period…

This morning in my weekly email from Brian was the following article:


Studies have shown that, at any given point in time, most people are pretty happy and content with approximately 80-85% of the various aspects of their life, leaving about 15-20% that they would like to change. Overall, most of us are fairly happy with what is happening in our lives.

There is a tendency though to focus, almost exclusively, on the 15-20% that is not where we want it to be. Certainly, this area needs our attention, but not to the omission of all that is good and working. When we only focus on the percentage that is not where we want it to be, we create an incomplete picture. This skewed view can often be the very thing that keeps us from achieving more. You are at your best when you're positive and encouraged, taking on new challenges, thriving and growing.

Expand your view to include all that is working and you will find that you'll have more gratitude in your heart and a better outlook to go and take on the other areas that you desire to improve. You have a lot for which to be grateful. Consciously choose gratitude.

Be Encouraged.


Thank you, Brian, for the inspiring words…

As a member of Fullstaq, I have been blessed to attend several mindset events…

At an event called Activate, I spoke with another Fullstaq attendee who was “killin’ it” in the online marketing niche…

I asked him how he was getting it done and he spoke of the book, “The 12 Week Year”, stating it was instrumental in his thinking and how he structured his days…

I bought a copy of the book and found it to be very helpful in putting my schedule together for each day…

It really was helpful in overcoming my procrastination!!

As an entrepreneur, I welcome all the help I can get…

In a future email, I will include a list of my favorite books for mindset and other subjects related to Digital Marketing

Keeping today’s message short and sweet, I wish everyone a great day and success in obtaining your goals, dreams and fondest desires…

Bob Baker

P.S. “Start by doing what’s necessary; then do what’s possible; and suddenly you are doing the impossible”, -Francis of Assisi

P.S.S. If you are ready to take action on building your future in the world of Digital Marketing <<Click Here to get started!>>

Robert Baker, 604 Birch Ln, Richardson, TX 75081, United States
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