One Big Domino!
At a meeting where everyone was making at least $1 million a year…
Time Ferris (author of the 4-Hour Workweek) was the keynote speaker…
He opened the floor to questions…
A woman stands up and asks him:
“Hey Tim, you seem to get so much done. What is it you do all day?”
He pauses for a moment and then gives an awkward half-smile and says,
“If you watched my daily routine, you’d be bored out of your mind…”
He continued;
“Most people wake up every morning with a task of a thousand things to do…”
“They go through the day trying to knock down all these things. I do things differently. I wake up every morning and I meditate. I drink tea or coffee. I go for a walk, and maybe I read a book.”
He said he might spend three or four weeks doing this and nothing else…
Then he said:
“My whole goal is to slow down and look around. Instead of looking for all the tasks I could do, I try to identify the one Big Domino- the One Thing that, if I could know that down, all the other dominos would either fall down or become irrelevant.”
The “ah-ha” moment…
Think about what we do every day and how much meaning it really has…
Are you making progress?
Are you just standing in a rut, digging it deeper every day?
I was there and looking for a way to change what I was doing…
Thinking about my work life, what was I accomplishing
Working for others and making them wealthy…
Nothing I did seemed to help me to get ahead …
I decided to take a stand and work for myself…I jumped in with both feet and it felt like I was in over my head… I looked for help… I reached out and I found a company called Fullstaq Marketer… I got involved and things have never been the same… Click here to find out how I did it! |
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