Subject: Maybe this isn't for you...

You’ve heard it said that Freelance Digital Marketing might just be “too good to be true.”

And no one would blame you for feeling that way (including me).


Tap here now for a quick preview »


But here's something you should know...

Some interesting information that Keala Kanae sent to his subscribers this morning:


“When you attend the Business Launch Challenge, you’ll be set up with the Vertical Selling System that helped people like

[+] Chris C. who made over 250k in his first year…

[+] Sarah N. was able to pay off her father’s mortgage

[+] Jeff S. who earned 10k in his first 60 days…”


That does sound amazing doesn’t it?


Well, that’s not all…

When you are getting started, you’ll be up and running FAST

And if you sign up to attend now

 You will also get some great bonuses!

Bonus #1: Our Highest Converting Sales Page (which is worth over 100K)!

This professionally designed page has been shown to outperform many competing designs

And not only that, it has been providing leads and customers to those who are using it daily…


Bonus #2: A system we call “The Perfect Follow Up”

A system that contains emails that are known to turn your leads into customers that runs on autopilot-

Which means you don’t have to do any selling on your part!

And, it contains the company’s 7 highest converting emails that you can use (just copy and paste into your own emails)

Which work so well you may actually feel like your cheating…


But hold on, that’s not all:

Bonus #3: Traffic Explosion

When you lock in your seat now, they will take 100% of your enrollment fee it cost to attend the Challenge and use it to get traffic to your new online biz.


Do you get it?

100% of the cost of your ticket comes back into your own pocket!

How’s that for amazing value?


So are you still sitting on the fence, wondering if you should jump in with both feet?

Here’s the final kicker…

The company guarantee that will pay you back double

If you don’t leave the event with a real, working business that is giving you real results

You will get paid back double what it cost you to attend.


So don’t be left out,

Tap here and grab your seat now »

I don’t want to see you standing on the sideline wishing you were there with the other winners who are crushing it and building their future.


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