Subject: Master of Your Mind!

Master of Your Mind!

The mind is the most powerful tool we have for creating good in our lives…

But if not used correctly…

It can be the most destructive force we deal with in our lives…

Your mind, or your thoughts affects your perception of reality…

It’s been said the average person thinks about 70,000 thoughts per day…(Wow!)

That’s a lot and can be unproductive and actually self-abuse…

A total waste of energy!

You can let your thoughts run amok…but why?

It’s your mind…your thoughts…isn’t it time to take control?

You can choose to be the master of your thoughts…

Consciously and actively thinking your thoughts…

Changing your thoughts can change your feelings

It can rid you of the triggers that cause those feelings…

These outcomes can help you to have a greater level of peace of mind.

I am master of My mind and now it is quite peaceful,

Yours can be too!

To achieve this goal, you must recognize you are at the mercy of unwanted “squatters” living in your mind.

If you want to be their boss and evict them from your thinking…

You have to know who they are and what their motivation is…

First, we have the “Inner Critic

Your constant abuser and a mix of: 

Other people’s words (usually your parents)

Thoughts you have based on your own or other people’s expectations

Comparing yourself to other people including those in the media

Things you’ve told yourself from painful experiences

These can all lead to self-doubt and self-blame and undeserved 

feelings of rejection and betrayal

Second, is the “Worrier

The person who lives in the future…in the world of “what ifs”

Motivated by fear, often irrational and baseless

May be fear of what has happened in the past

Third is the “Reactor or Troublemaker

Triggers anger, frustration and pain

Comes from unhealed wounds of the past

Anything related to a past wound can set him off

Can be set off by words, feelings or even sounds and smells!

Last is the “Sleep Depriver

Can be a combination of other squatters including the inner planner, 

the rehasher, and the ruminator

Can be set off by a reaction to silence

Taking care of business neglected during the day

Self-doubt, low self-esteem, insecurity, generalized anxiety

Now that we are aware of these “squatters”, how do we control them?

How do you Master Your Mind?

You are the thinker and observer of your thoughts (as described in yesterday’s post)

To control your thoughts, you must pay attention to them to identify “Who” is running the show…

This will determine which technique to use…

Begin each day with the intent of paying attention to your thoughts…

Catching yourself when you are thinking undesirable thoughts…

There are two ways to control your thoughts:

• Technique A- Interrupt and replace them

• Technique B- Eliminate them altogether

Option number 2, is known as peace of mind

Tomorrow I will continue with the specifics of how to deal with the four 

“squatters” in our thinking.

I want you to know in my mind and in your heart, I appreciate and value 

you as my audience, and I want you to have a fantastic and productive


Bob Baker
P.S. Email me at with any questions or thoughts…On face book at @Bebop67

P.S.S. Striving to be a source of information you find interesting and enjoyable…Today's content was taken from an article by Michele Goldstein, “How to Control Your Thoughts and Be the Master of Your Mind”

P.S.S. Just in case you missed it yesterday, I have attached the Worksheet "14 Ways to Boost Your Confidence". I hope you find it enjoyable and helpful.
Robert Baker, 604 Birch Ln, Richardson, TX 75081, United States
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