Subject: Love Rejection? (Really!)

From Copyblogger by Stefanie Flaxman;

Hypercreative?...a lot of your ideas may will be rejected…
By readers…by listeners…by viewers…by clients…by customers…by business partners…

Let’s face it, by anyone and possibly everyone…

Face the truth to love rejection

Success as a professional writer, (for copywriting if you want to be a digital marketer), involves adapting to your current circumstances instead of clinging to romanticized images of how you thought things would occur…

Maybe it was your best work, but the timing wasn’t right…

Those scared of the truth give up when they don’t like what the truth looks like…

Rejection doesn’t diminish the value you offer

Don’t just accept the rejection- agree with it…

Thank the source for seeing something you didn’t…

Maybe what you think you wanted wasn’t the best for you…

This is creative work

As before, rejection doesn’t diminish the value you offer, if your upset because what you wanted didn’t work out, it can be confusing…

Don’t question your value or worth…

The more you actually love rejection, the less you want the situation or your attached to it less…makes it easier to recover from…

Who eats cottage cheese?

You go to the grocery store and your usual brand is out… you grab a similar brand…

You try it… its even better than your usual brand…You would never have discovered it if the original brand hadn’t “rejected” you…

Learn to let go of what you think you want 

Love any type of rejection to release any emotional charge for the situation…you will then see all the other possibilities available to you…

Turn rejection into resolve

Fixation on the past becomes boring…

Love the truth of the present and new ideas to act on come to mind…

See the potential you can achieve, even with past, (or future), rejections, and the pain fades… 

You can get back to work.

Being a digital marketer involves writing copy, stories, emails, internet posts and others…creative writing which leads to rejection by your intended readers…

I found this to be interesting and thought you might get some value and possibly enjoyment from the ideas in the article.

Make this a great week, a productive week and know I value you!

Bob Baker

. Develop success from failures. Discouragement and failure are two of the surest stepping stones to success. ~Dale Carnegie
Robert Baker, 604 Birch Ln, Richardson, TX 75081, United States
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