Subject: Line in the Sand Moment?

What’s Your Line in the Sand Moment?

Today’s content is a sneak peak at Fullstaq’s course entitled Fullstaq 101 which is the first module in the Fullstaq online training for digital marketers…

Module 2 lesson 3: Your Reason for Starting an Online Business

Keala Kanae is the trainer for this lesson and states:

“What’s going on in your life that’s causing you to start an online business?

Feel free to expand on the current circumstances in your life…

What’s your life in the sand moment?

What are the pains your going to have to overcome?

What is happening to cause you to want to make a change in your life?

What are you seeing down the road in the future you’re wanting to avoid?

What is currently going on, on a day-to-day basis that is causing you such displeasure that you want to make a shift?

Be as clear and detailed as possible and remember this is confidential- few people will ever see your answers

It is an opportunity to have a safe space for you to confess some of the pains, frustrations, and challenges that are really a thorn in your side, that if you could get away from, life would look a lot better!

So, what’s in your life right now causing you to want to start an online business?”

Does this tweak your interest?

This module is designed to help get your mindset in line with your goals…

When you know what the problems and obstacles are in your life, when you can speak them out loud and write them down, you’re taking a big step in overcoming them…

I found this module exciting and profound when I was going through it…

My thinking and goals became much clearer and concrete...

I could definitely see where I wanted to go and be...

If your interested in learning more, email me at and I’ll send you more information.

Here’s to an exciting week and I hope many new opportunities are headed your way!

Bob Baker
Robert Baker, 604 Birch Ln, Richardson, TX 75081, United States
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