Subject: Its not too late...yet

Its Monday morning and here’s a question for you…

Have you made your decision?


The reason to ask you is because the doors to the Business Launch Challenge close today at 4 pm PST.


If you fail to secure your seat in the next few hours,

You’ll be giving away your opportunity

To start and own your very own online biz

In just 48 hours.


Tap here to secure your seat »


Here’s another thought for you-

If you’re not gonna do it for yourself,

Then maybe you should do it for someone you care about...

Don’t sell yourself short

You are capable of doing this

And you'll have the help of the experts that will get you set up 100%

And be there for you every step of the way.


Can you really afford to lose this opportunity to change your life,

Take back your time, (making it YOUR time)

Reap the benefits and rewards of all your efforts and

Control your own destiny?


There are just a few hours left to join the challenge,

After 4 pm PST the doors close forever.


Tap here to secure your seat before the time runs out »



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