Subject: It seems to pass so quickly!

The pressure is on, can you get it done? Is there any left for you and those things you care about?

Yesterday you heard about time pressure-

So much pressure for you to get things done for others.


According to Cassie Mogliner, a researcher of time and happiness at UCLA’s Anderson School of Management,

Your waking hours are filled, they seem to be totally consumed by the hours of work you do.


Tap here for more info »


The problem?

You may believe there are only a few minutes left each day for you to exercise, clean, have fun, and even to hang out

Socializing with your group of friends.


Does time pressure come down to just a lack of time?

Well, maybe not.

According to past studies, the average American workweek has been declining and leisure time has increased.


So then, why do we feel this time pressure?

The above researchers have stated, “those who feel most overworked-those who have the least ‘free time’ -largely do it to themselves.”


So, they also recommend the instead of blaming the clock, we should look to the roots of the ‘time crunch’ in our own heads…


So to help with this common problem for lots of us,


Tap here to discover 4 ways to take back your time »


Warm regards and happy Sunday!


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