Subject: Isn't SMART a great way to be?

Good morning and happy Saturday!

Yep, another weekend has begun and you probably have plans to spend time with those you love.

Maybe you’re ready to play some golf, tennis, or one-on-one hoops with friends…


No? maybe you’re looking forward to going shopping, watch a movie or just hang at the local park.


Or, maybe you have no plans and just want to sleep in and have a leisurely and relaxing brunch.


Whatever you have planned for today and tomorrow, isn’t it great to have time that is yours and only yours:

  • No time clocks

  • No boss breathing down your neck

  • No deadlines to meet


It’s nice when you get to do what you want to do… right?

Wouldn’t it be glorious if everyday was like this weekend?


Yesterday’s message had suggestions about motivation:

Getting motivated and staying motivated to get your goals completed-

Completed goals are important if you want to have an independent life

Where you are your own boss and work only for yourself.


Have you ever heard of SMART goals?

Tap here for more »

SMART goals help you to develop clear, attainable and meaningful goals to make your efforts worthwhile.

So you can understand what is meant by SMART goals, here’s s short breakdown of the meaning:

S= a specific goal

M= A measurable goal

A= it must be attainable

R= It should be relevant

T= it has a finite time frame


Does this make sense?

Tap here now to discover more about SMART goals »


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