Subject: Is it time to bury it?

They often say its dead and no longer effective, could they be wrong? You bet they can and they are!

You've seen or heard the headline that says:

-Email Marketing is Dead!


You’ve been researching ways to make it online and you’ve seen quotes like the one above.


But think about this…

Do you really know anyone who doesn’t have an email address?


Yep, the last time I checked, more than 3 billion people in the world have and use their email.


You have to admit you receive many, many emails each week.

You read them and you may even get inspired reading some of them!


And you may be guilty of looking forward to the next one.

Despite the headlines you see, especially the “click-bait” headlines, Email marketing is still one of the most effective ways for beginners as well as experienced folks to make money online.


Tap here for a great video on why email marketing is not dead »


Want to know why email marketing still matters in 2023?


[+] Its easy, can be very effective and its inexpensive.


[+] Email marketing allows you to reach a large number of people without having to spend a ton-

Which is great for anyone just starting out and on a budget.


Have you ever heard of an Autoresponder?

It’s a program or platform that works for you 24/7 and never asks for a commission!


It’s a great tool that lets you automatically send emails to anyone on your list

And it works for new leads or folks who have bought from you before.


[+] Email marketing also lets you build relationships with your subscribers

And using software like Get Response lets you contact folks as groups, or individually whenever you want.


[+] Email marketing is a great way to start any side hustles and start making moola online!


Tap here to watch a short video on why email marketing still works »


Stay tuned for an upcoming opportunity to get into the email marketing niche quick and easy.

Enjoy your day.



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