Subject: Is it really bad to be wrong?

Are you afraid you might be wrong and feel paralyzed into doing nothing?

Why is it that some very smart people have a difficult time

Making decisions and taking action?

Have you ever suffered from analysis paralysis?

Afraid to make a decision because it may be the wrong decision…

Which causes you to freeze and do nothing

Which is the same as making the wrong decision.

Tap here to discover how to escape these traps »

Before you close this email,

Think about this:

Indecisiveness will cut you off below the knees

And so, it’s better to make the wrong decision

And then pivot when you see the results  

Because you’re never gonna have all the data to make those decisions

And ensure that you’re always gonna be right.

Tap here now to learn how to deal with analysis paralysis »

Have a great Sunday!


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