Subject: Is it possible to cure this?

Is it the disease that keeps you from your dreams? Is it keeping you in the doghouse of mediocrity and despair?


Is it a disease? (Can it be cured?)

Is it the reason most give up on their dreams

Before they accomplish them?


You might be interested to learn

That most folks overestimate what they can do

In the short term,


But then underestimate what can be accomplished in the long term.


Because when you put too much pressure on yourself in the short term,

And you’re not able to actually hit the mark you set for yourself…


You feel defeated, deflated, and may even give up.


Don’t let shortsightedness put a roadblock in your life-

Don't let it keep you from your destiny,

Keep you from your desired path for the future.


Tap here to discover how to leave shortsightedness behind  »


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