Subject: Is it important to keep score?

Its another Monday and I have a message for you…




What does this mean?

According to Brian Moran, it’s the measure of what you get done.

He states “Your success and your failure are defined to some degree, by the numbers that you achieve.”


So he is saying it boils down to what your numbers are

And if you are keeping an accurate score of your results and achievements.


Do you feel uncomfortable when you analyze your numbers?

If your like most of us, the answer is probably yes.


If you realize your numbers make it possible to help you improve your results…

It means they can help you to get better and stay on track to get what you want in life.


So, the key is to keep score-

 And then you’ll have a good idea where you are in your current situation.


His final though I want to share with you is:

“Scorekeeping provides a clear picture of reality.”


So sit back, and take a few minutes to measure or take stock of the results that are important to you,

And begin to think how you can get that scorecard into the green!


P.S. Hit reply and let me know what you thought about todays message; did you like it? Would you like more like this? Your opinion matters to me ,so let me know.

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