Subject: Is it a habit or routine?

We all have habits and routines in our lives

But is it important to know the difference between the two?

And not only that,

Do we need to understand what will and what won't become a habit?


First of all,

Do you know the definition of a habit?

According to Nir Eyal, a bestselling author and behavioral design expert, a habit is:

“The impulse to do a behavior with little or no conscious thought.”

And a routine is “a series of behaviors frequently repeated.”


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Building routines seems to be the goal we should strive for

Because it’s been shown it’s hard to change our patterns.

If you have a bad feeling about a new behavior you’re trying to develop

You may feel it must be bad…

But he says if you feel this way, you’re actually getting better

And you should expect it to be hard.

It’s an interesting read so

Tap here now to learn the difference between habits and routines »

Developing your routines to become habits can help you get to the place where you desire to be, so check out the article in the link above.


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