Subject: Is encouragement your key to being a winner?

How are you feeling this morning?

Did you know we all have a choice of how we feel and how we are being



So, you do have to be careful because its so easy to get discouraged.

But again, remember, you do have a  choice-

You can choose to be encouraged or discouraged…

Which do you choose?


Another thing to remember is everything in your life,

Your results, your fulfillment, and even your joy

Can be much greater when you’re encouraged!


So make a promise to yourself starting today:

Plan to be encouraged everyday

No matter how tough it may seem

It’s your responsibility to focus on those things that can help keep you encouraged.


Want to learn more on staying encouraged?


Tap here NOW to read a great article on how to support and encourage yourself »



P.S. Todays’ message was inspired by a message from the 12 Week Year newsletter.

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