Subject: I just don't wanna do it today...

"I just don't wanna do it today...I just don't feel like it..."

Does that sound familiar?

Do you have trouble getting things you know you need to get done…

Actually completed?

Maybe you eventually get them done, but not in a timely fashion.


And now you're asking yourself how you can do it better?


Set back for a moment, close your eyes

And imagine you have completed everything you said you would get done today…

Wouldn’t that be great?


When you set goals you are taking steps to improve your life.

But if you have trouble following though to complete those goals

You may find that staying motivated can be challenging.


So if you really don’t feel like it,

What can you do to stay motivated?

Here are some tips to help you stay motivated and actually complete the goals you set for yourself:


  • Put your goal on the calendar

  • Make working toward it a habit

  • Plan for imperfection

  • Set small goals and help build momentum

  • Track your progress

  • Reward yourself for all the wins, big and small


It’s a fact that we all lose motivation at times and its not really your fault

So don’t blame yourself when it happens.

Instead, try some of the tips above to motivate yourself

And to get back on track to accomplish that which you have established.


If you like today's message and would like more details hit reply or send a message to my personal email

I would love to hear from you!


P.S. Today’s message was inspired by “How to Motivate Yourself: 11 Tips for Self Improvement” at

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