Subject: Evict, Replace, Rejoice!

Evict, Replace, Rejoice!

Yesterday we were talking about the four types of “Squatters” that 

interfere with your thoughts, and how to evict them from your thinking…

To achieve the goal of being the Master of your mind and having a 

peaceful mind, you must recognize you are at the mercy of these 

unwanted “squatters” living in your mind.

So today we will continue the talk about how you can start to control 

your thoughts…

And developing a greater sense of peace of mind…

If you read the information yesterday, there are two techniques to use;

• Technique A- Interrupt and replace them

• Technique B- Eliminate them altogether

To remind you of the “Squatters” we listed 4 types:

The Inner Critic

The Worrier

The Reactor or Troublemaker

The Sleep Depriver

Use technique A with the Inner Critic and Worrier 

Use Technique B with the Reactor and Sleep Depriver

If your read yesterday’s post, we discussed the Inner Critic and the Worrier… 

So, today we will finish with the last two types of “Squatters” and how to

deal with them…

First, we discuss the Trouble Maker, Reactor or Over-Reactor

To rid yourself of this “Squatter” will take a bit more attention and 

reflection after the fact to identify and heal the causes of the triggers…

Until you discover these causes, you can prevent the Reactor from 

getting out of control by starting conscious breathing as soon as you 

recognizing their presence…

The Reactor’s thoughts or feelings activate the fight or flight response 

just like the Worrier

The physiological signs of his presence will be the same…

The signs that the fight or flight response is activated are:

• Increased heart rate, blood pressure or a surge of adrenaline

• Shallow breathing or breathlessness

• Tense muscles

With a little work and attention, you should be able to tell the difference 

between anxiety, fear, frustration or pain…

Count to ten when your angry?... …It’s more productive if your breathing 

consciously during those ten seconds!

Conscious Breathing is pretty simple- pay attention and be conscious of 

your breathing…

Pay attention to the air going in and coming out

Breathe in through you nose:

• Feel the air entering your nostrils

• Feel your lungs filling and expanding

• Focus on your belly rising

Breathe out through your nose:

• Feel your lungs emptying

• Focus on your belly falling

• Feel the air exiting your nostrils

Do it for as long as you want… Leave the situation if you want…

This gives the adrenaline time to normalize…

Giving you time to address the situation in a calmer, more rational 


Avoiding damaging behavior…

And you are in more control of your thoughts…

One of the side effects this “Squatter” causes is that it adds to the Sleep 

Depriver’s issues…

By evicting or at least controlling the Reactor, you are decreasing 

reactionary behavior… 

Decreasing the need to rehash and ruminating which may keep you from

falling asleep…

Master your mind and stop the Reactor from bringing stress to you and

your relationships!

Finally, we get to the last “Squatter”, the Sleep Depriver

This “Squatter” is made up of the Inner Planner, the Rehasher, and the


The original author stated they were unable to turn off their mind at 


Preventing them from falling asleep at night, and therefore not getting a

restful and restorative night’s sleep…

This is the plan to master her mind and evict the Sleep Depriver and all 

his cronies:

Start by focusing on your breathing- paying attention to the rise and fall

of your belly- being sure you are not clenching you mouth…

Imagine the word in while breathing in (a replacement strategy to

eliminate uncontrolled thinking)

And thinking the word out while exhaling- be sure to elongate the words

to match the length of the breaths

If you catch yourself thinking other things, shift back to in and out

Sometimes with this technique, you will still be thinking, but you will stop 

your thoughts from spinning out of control and help still your mind by 

thinking “I choose quiet” …

You may start to yawn after only a few minutes and fall asleep quickly

after 10 minutes or so…

For really difficult nights, try an increase of attention by holding your 

eyes (closed of course) in a looking up position…

You can also use this technique any time you want to:

• Fall back asleep if you wake up too soon

• Shut down your thinking

• Calm your feelings

• Simply focus on the present moment

Your mind is a tool and like any tool, it can be used for constructive or 

destructive purposes…

You can let your mind be occupied by unwanted, undesirable, and 

destructive tenants…

Or, you can choose desirable tenants like peace, gratitude, compassion,

 love, and joy…

Your mind can become your best friend…

Your biggest supporter…

Someone you can count on to be there and encourage you!

The choice is yours… …You can be in control of your thoughts!!

I hope you found this information helpful, interesting, and informative…

I have a plan to bring additional information about the mindset part of 

being entrepreneurs…

The way we think can have a huge effect on how we structure our daily 

lives, our relationships, and definitely how our business is conducted…

And as I have grown in my own Mindset education, my life has changed

in almost every single way…

I certainly look at everything I experience differently and I am amazed

what I was missing before…

So be on the lookout for more “stuff” to help us progress in learning how

to awaken and activate the best parts of who we truly are!

Have an incredible and pleasant day and I will see you in another email!

Bob Baker

P.S. Email me at with any questions or thoughts…On face book at @Bebop67…

P.S.S. Striving to be a source of information you find interesting and enjoyable…Today's content was taken from an article by Michele Goldstein, “How to Control Your Thoughts and Be the Master of Your Mind”
Robert Baker, 604 Birch Ln, Richardson, TX 75081, United States
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