Subject: Do you win when you perceive failure?

Want to gain insight to your own psyche?

(Hang with me here for a moment)

What is your perception of failure?

Are you aware of the difference between your perception of failure and the reality of failure?

Tap here to discover more »

Here’s something to ponder…

When our perceptions are triggered, they dictate our emotions

And when our emotions are high

Our intelligence is low…

So, when our emotions are high

Our life is a roller coaster of ups and downs

But when our intelligence is high

We are the masters of our life.

So why do we perceive failure as something that’s more negative than positive?

More bad than good?

Again, its our perception of failure.

Don’t let your perceptions rule your life and bring you down, down, down…

Tap here to learn how to tell the difference »

To your best,


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