Subject: Do you know why you do it?

Tuesday is yet another day-

A day to be all you can be….

 A day to move forward in your journey to be the real you

And continue to work toward the fulfillment of your goals,

In order to make it happen, it’s vital you learn how to stop sabotaging yourself.


Here are some pointers that can help you to stop this negative behavior:


Examine the Root Causes:

Do you see patterns in your life?

Do you find you’re always throwing in a wrench when you’re just about to achieve something you desire?

According to the web article “Self-Sabotaging: Why Does is Happen?, by Barbara Field  on, the root cause could come from childhood experiences.

Tap here for more »

Stop Procrastinating:

Procrastination is a big part and quite common to those who are prone to self-sabotage.

Putting important things off can be an emotional response to protect you

Not accomplishing something important to you can be the result of the “stuff” that was drilled into your mind for years…


Stop Looking at the Big Picture:

Shooting to accomplish something really big, your goal can become overwhelming

Don’t waste time on all the little details,

And don’t make “all or nothing” decisions-

If you miss something that you think has to be done, don’t beat yourself up

Just start again the next time.


And finally,

Stop Perfectionistic Thinking:

Are you a perfectionist?

Overthinking every little detail and insisting that everything has to be just right.

Your goal is better if you strive for excellence rather than perfection.


Tap here NOW to discover how to stop self-sabotage »


You may feel self-sabotage is a strange and even weird subject

But remember it is very real to many folks.

If you  find you have set a goal and then complain about all  the obstacles you run into  

You must realize there are times when the biggest hurdle may be yourself.

And we can really sabotage ourselves in clever ways...

Warm regards,


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