Subject: Do you know where your mindsets?

 What comes to your mind when you hear the word: Mindset?

Do you feel it’s some weird word from another language or culture?

Or does it inspire your to want to learn more?


Today’s message contains a self-assessment quiz you can and should take to see how much your mindset lives inside you.


After you finish the assessment feel free to send me your results by hitting the reply button on your email or sending it to the link at the end of this message.


Mindset Assessment Questionnaire

Please rate each statement below based on how well it reflects your current mindset. Please use the following scale:

1- Strongly Disagree, 2- Disagree, 3- Neutral, 4- Agree 5,- Strongly Agree

1. I believe that my abilities and intelligence can be developed through dedication and hard work

2. I embrace challenges and see them as opportunities for growth

3. I often seek feedback and constructive criticism to improve myself and my work

4. I believe that failures are learning experiences that help me to grow and become better

5. I enjoy trying new things and stepping outside of my comfort zone

6. I believe that talent and intelligence are not fixed traits, but can be developed over time

7. I am open to acquiring new skills and knowledge to enhance my entrepreneurial journey

8. I view setbacks ats temporary obstacles and remain persistent in achieving my goals

9. I believe that I can always improve and develop my skills, regardless of my current level

10. I tend to focus more on the process and effort rather than the immediate outcome

11. I believe that my mindset plays a significant role in my success as an entrepreneur

12. I enjoy challenges and view them as opportunities for personal and professional growth

13. I believe that failure is a necessary part of the entrepreneurial journey

14. I am motivated to learn and consciously develop new skills

15. I embrace feedback and criticism as valuable tools for improvement

Scoring: Add up the scores for each statement and calculate the AVERAGE score.

Then use the following to interpret the results:

4.0 - 5.0 = Strong Growth Mindset

3.0 - 3.9 = Moderate Growth Mindset

1.0 – 2.9 = Limited Growth Mindset

Wasn’t this fun?

Indeed it’s interesting to see just where you are living on the Growth Mindset Scale.


A key point to consider is this questionnaire is only meant to give you a general assessment of mindset

It is designed to help you to understand your current mindset and identify areas of potential growth.


Again, please send me your results so we can evaluate what areas that future training emails can focus on for growth and discovery.


You can send the results to

To your success and joy!


P.S. “Bad chapters can still create a story that ends well. Let your past be part of your story, not your identity.”

Trent Shelton

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