Subject: Do you have time to change?

Change can be scary and hold you back from what you want to be...

What do you hear or think about

When someone mentions the word “change”?


Tap here for some new thoughts on change »


Are you thinking about the coins you have in your pocket or purse?

Well, hold on because that’s not exactly what we’re talking about here…


If you’re like most folks,

You probably avoid change because it makes you uncomfortable-

Not only uncomfortable but also with the fear that something unknown

Might be ready to happen.


Think about this for a moment:

A former CEO from John Hopkins University of Medicine

Has informed us that 90% of heart surgery patients (90%!)

Do not change their lifestyles after surgery

And continue to put their life and health at risk!

Isn’t that an eye opener?

Well, most believe you have to go it alone

All by yourself when deciding you need to make a change:

But its not really that way.


Here is an amazing article that’s short and an easy read

Tap here to discover the HARD truth about change »


Here’s to success and growth in your life.


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