Subject: Do you have an Otto (Autopilot)?

Autopilot is great for the men in the cockpit when they are moving our precious cargo (family and loved ones!)


Why is it great?


Because once they have the most critical parts of the journey completed (taking off and reaching cruising altitude)

They can relax and let the plane safely fly on course.


But what does this mean for us in our daily lives?

Do you drive to work each day on autopilot?

If you’re like most, the answer is yes.


When you climb out of bed and start your morning routine, are you drinking your coffee without thinking about it (again on autopilot)?

Would you ever even think…

This is also how you may be managing your finances?


Do you feel like you’re working harder

And not seeing good results for your efforts

And getting sick and tired of it?


Well, there may be something you’re doing that’s blocking your efforts.

Tap here to see a bad habit that could be the problem »

Break out of the autopilot rut and start to find your success,


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