Subject: Do you believe its overrated?

It can serve you and help you to look out for your best interests but does it require a lot of work? Open and discover the answer...


Yesterday we were discussing setting goals and how to stay motivated.

And we also talked about things you can do if you have times when you just don’t feel like working on your goals.


So, to continue along the same track, here are some additional ideas to help you stay motivated…


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Plan for imperfection: When you are working on a goal or a desire you want to accomplish, you’ll feel really good about the journey.

But keep in mind some days things will not go according to your plans.


A great way to deal with this is to plan for the little setbacks that are sure to happen.

You can even make a list to watch out for-

A list of things that can get in your way.

Then take a look at your list and make your own plan to deal with each one.


And here’s another idea…

Practice gratitude: When you first wake up each morning, spend the first 5 minutes thinking about all the things you’re are thankful for.

And yet another great idea is to start using a gratitude journal and write them down.


And I really like this one:

If there is someone in your life you are really feel grateful for,

Spend a few minutes and write them a letter

A personal letter telling them how grateful you are they are in your life

And for what they have done!


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