Subject: Do it, do it, do it now!

“I’ll do it when the time is right.”

“I’ll get to it when I’m in shape.”

“I’m planning to start next week.”

“I’ll get to it when I have more time.”


Do these sound familiar?

Have you been waiting…

Waiting for just the perfect moment to get started on your goals, dreams, and inner most desires?


Don’t be ashamed.

Its very common and lots of folks are guilty of it.


Tap here learn how to stop waiting for the perfect moment »


Here is a quote from the article in the link above:

“You don’t have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great.”-Zig Ziglar.


Do you believe in yourself?

Do you believe you have what it takes to be successful?

You do have everything you need,

Just remember its ok not to be good at doing something

When you first start-

Just do it!


Here are some great suggestions to help you in this journey:

  • You have permission to not be perfect

  • Don’t try to always be in your comfort zone, its will keep you from success

  • It may not ever feel easy, but when you win it's worth it


Tap here for more on taking action now »

So here’s your final thought for today:

Stop waiting and do it now, because

It's your actions that make you great.


 Warm regards,


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