Subject: Do You Have the Time?

Do You Have the Time?

Good morning!

I want to share some information I have found to help you to get the most out of your 


It’s important to not only manager your time well, but to ensure your time is 

spent on what is most important…

Here are some guidelines to help you use your time to your best use and
maximum efficiency:

You are in charge of how you spend your time

• Use your time for a sense of fulfillment

• Consider your time as a gift to those around you

• Time can be manipulated; it can be starched or shortened

• Humanity has used time to cause people to conform or be suppressed

• Time is not limitless

• Time management is actually managing your priorities, choices, and actions

• Time is not an object

• Time can be considered a specific mental function

• It is a problem to be lacking time

• If you do what’s important, you will not need more time

• With more power, there must be more limitations set

• Your needs must also come with responsibilities

• Results are not as important as relationships

• Mastering time leads to good timing

• Success is a result of applying yourself effectively; time management is fundamental to 


• Eliminating some of the things you do will free up time

• You have all the time needed to do what you are ready to do

• Having excess time is a lifestyle choice

• More space (time) can lead to better judgment

• Always be early

• Keep the vast majority of promises you make; If it is impossible to keep true to your 

   word, be sure to warn the person ahead of time

• Make sure you consider your time and yourself to be important

• Proper time management leads to fewer problems that are a result of disorganization

• Never cross the boundaries you set for yourself

• Have the desired amount of time

• Keep at least an hour of your day completely free

• Keep your needs first

• When applying yourself, take the option that offers the least amount of resistance

• Never completely wear yourself out

• Naturally, you have all that is needed to have a high productivity

• Refuse to be in a hurry

• Employ good time management to keep you from needing to commit everything in your

   life to memory

• Set monthly and yearly goals

• Take time for vacation

• Do not hold on to things that happened in the past

• Make sure you have time to complete that things that matter most to you by combining

  certain activities

• Have a daily routine that you like to do

• Make life effortless

• Make sure that you receive what you are financially worth for your profession

Now you should also know there are certain time management skills everyone should perfect:

Check off any of the skills below that you would like to work on:

Ο Deal with emergencies as they occur

Ο Do not settle for asking what you believe you can obtain, but ask for what you want

Ο Do not let people treat you unfairly and speak up for yourself if others do so

Ο Do not leave things unresolved

Ο Use time wisely to maximize efficiency

Ο Know when to say no

Ο Do not promise more than you can achieve

Ο Be able to complete unresolved issues

Ο Do not treat everything linearly (connected together)

Ο Be able to efficiently manage yourself

Ο Do not attempt to force results when they cannot be conditioned

Ο Be able to effectively solve problems

Ο Effectively plan your time

Ο Do not act on another’s problems because their problems are not     your own

Ο The things of principal importance should be finished first

Ο Know what motivates you 

Ο Have a strong vocabulary to keep clear of chattering

Ο Be a person of good integrity

Ο Effectively manage you time reserves

Ο Improve on what can be used in the real world

Ο Avoid those who waste your time

Ο Avoid prolonging things so they last longer than needed

Ο Use time as a tool

And finally, in order to effectively manage your time, there are certain aspects of your life you can eliminate:

Check off any of the tasks that you should delegate or eliminate from your day:

Ο Keep from doing things that you simply should do, but remain responsible

Ο Keep from thinking about the things you simply should do

Ο Keep from running simple errands

Ο Keep from doing chores around the house

Ο React to problems by using the RAH method (Recognize, Anticipate, and Handle)

Ο Keep from doing the unimportant activities by yourself

Ο Refuse to create a problem

Ο While driving, let other drivers and pedestrians go before you

Ο Wait for people to ask before doing favors

Ο Avoid all gossip 

Ο Keep away from people who want to bring you down

Ο Do not complete a task only to get something

Ο Do things because you want to and not because you should

Ο Do not try to fix other people’s problems

Ο Avoid keeping yourself busy all of the time

Ο Do not keep holding on to things that have gone wrong- Adjust and move on

Ο Avoid adrenaline

Ο Avoid things that have no meaning to you

Ο Do not let what you do be the definition of you

Ο Avoid emergencies

Ο Avoid changing others

Ο Avoid rushing along in this program

Well, it is quite a large list isn’t it?

But, looking through it…

It does have some great tips and advice...

To be the best we can be, we do need to control how we spend our 


Are you using your time to your best advantage?

My mentor always says “What would a millionaire do?”

Then when I think about it, I find I am not always doing what I should be

doing when I should be doing it!

So I hope you found value in this message and that it gives you some

insight and information to help you in your daily lives...

Bob Baker
P.S. Email me at with any questions or thoughts…On face book at @Bebop67
Robert Baker, 604 Birch Ln, Richardson, TX 75081, United States
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