Subject: Dependable is as dependable does...

Top of the morning to ya…

For the past week, we have been discussing what it takes to be a more responsible person and today we are up to suggestion number 8:

Be Dependable.


When folks are asked what they really look for in someone they work with,

One of the big answers is dependability.


People like it when others are consistent-

Now we all make mistakes at times

And even responsible people do too.


But what makes them responsible usually includes their intense desire to be someone that others can depend on.


Tap here for 23 good work habit examples »

So what are some of the attributes of responsible and dependable people?


[+] Showing up when they are supposed to show up


[+] Completing  what others expect them to do


[+] Following through on their promises


When you are living the life of a dependable and responsible person, you know others can see it

And they respect the high standards the dependable and responsible person demonstrates everyday…


Tap here now for more »



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